Designers are constantly challenged with new ways of selling their brand and creating enough exposure for the next season. It is for this reason we won't see half as many fabulous bitches walking around London wearing new season Chanel, Versace or a Westwood and owning designer clothing is almost frowned upon. The main cause of demolition is the near extinction of the British Gentleman. When was the last time you saw a hot guy walking the streets wearing an ensemble of Tweed blazers, Oxford Shirts and of course those gorgeous Oxford bag trousers? Exactly. These shit clothes have wiped out any need for a guy to dress well.
Wherever possible I try to dress smart but with an edge. Unfortunately I'm caught in a world of little funds where I can't afford the amazing Westwood pants I was eyeing up all last night. I can't event find Oxford bag pants online that I can afford. For this, I blame all you cunts that make the world dress bad. Thumbs up. A prime example is of course Rudolph Valentino, I'll let you compare the images. One hundred years ago, he would be my boyfriend.
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